My dad supports Trump

So, I’m not American, I live in Europe. Now we never talk about political topics and I’m personally closeted. My dad talked about how Trump was better cause he was a man and didn’t want war, saying women can’t lead. Not only is this sexist and ignorant in my opinion, but all just misleading. He also said Joe Biden and NATO was the reason for the war on Ukraine and he had no facts when I asked him.

I have multiple examples where not only did I explain that many horrible things have been caused by male politicians and he suddenly he switched to ‘well they can’t rule’ and thankfully no LGBTQIA topics came up, but now I’m scared of ever coming out to my dad as even pansexual, it’d go horrible if I came out as transmasc.

He kept going on a bit too passionately for my taste about Trump even when I was trying to focus on watching TV. The elections have nothing to do with where I’m from but my dad’s political views scare me. He had no facts or anything to back his words up, just saying he thinks Trump will win.

Edit: Told my mom what dad said, she thought he was dumb and funny