What is "The Protocol"?

Let's talk about the elephant in the room: THE "Magnus Protocol".

So, Sam is trying to figure out what happend to The Magnus Institute. Why is he commited to it? We're not sure, but it is most likely because of that scary experience that Lena asked for.

But, in his private investigation, he discovers a file that mentions "The Magnus Protocol". He does not give much info about it, but I'd like to hear your theories.

For me, it probably has something to do with the armed men (Maybe a version of Section31) that saved the woman from Ep. 7 (Give And Take) and the burning of the Institute during the 90s.

So, my ongoing theory is that these (maybe) Section 31 officers actually know more about The 14 Fears and their influences, outright stopping rituals when their held, like the events of Give and Take (theorized ritual). That story ended with the building being burned down by the way, like The Magnus Institute.

What do you think?