Collection Of Scrapped Content

Felt bored, again, so here's various scrapped content that I've found through digging the files that I thought would be interesting to share


Mechanic scrapped early in development.

All Family could pick up and carry incapaciatated victims like Leatherface, they could bring them to a restraining chair or grandpa to start a harvesting minigame interaction, finishing it executes the victim. Restraining chair model is still in the files, it's the exact same chair Hitchhiker uses to restrain Sally in the 1974 movie, never used on any of the maps afaik.

Vicitm being harvested would've drained their "Will to Live", a scrapped victim stat, unknown what it would've affected.

Fellow victims could save victims being harvested by sneak attacking the family member with a bone shard or Leland's Lifesaver barge.

Restraining chair model

"Perception" Victim Attribute

Scrapped victim attribute, likely got replaced by Toughness. There is also an unused tutorial screen placeholder featuring the attribute.

The attribute would've affected the range of the Family Proximity Aura range and interaction range.

Family Proximity Aura range scaling: ~16,5 cm increase per attribute point
Interaction range scaling: 4 cm per attribute point

Unused tutorial screen placeholder featuring the attribute.

Scrapped Perks

Lots of scrapped perks. Names and descriptions are taken straight from the files.

  • Family Perks

"Insult to Injury'
Hitting a victim with your chainsaw reduces 5/10/15% of their stamina.

"Truck Stick"
Leatherface can knock Victims down with the chainsaw, even if it is turned off. Cools down after 90/60/30 seconds.
(Would've consumed stamina, which Easily Tuckered Out would've affected, which is the only reason why Easily Tuckered Out would be on his tree, to affect a perk that's not even unlockable)

"Ranch Hand"
The Hitchhiker's traps can now be reset, but placement time is much longer. Reset time is 8/6/3 seconds.

  • The following perks don't have levelling data, likely meaning they were scrapped early, some of these also affect cut mechanics.

"Glued Together"
Bolthole (crawl space) blockages set by perk holder take more time to unblock by a victim.
(Added 250 points to the Crawl Space opening minigame, +8 tap difference)

"I See You"
Victims that exit hiding objects in an AOE of the perk holder are highlighted for a duration.
(Range = 20 meters)

Family Member requires 2 less inputs for the harvest sequence.

"Soul Crusher"
Adds 40 points to Will To Live Removal Amount on harvesting.

"Steady Feet"
Reduce Backstab Stun to 2 seconds.

  • Vicitm Perks

"Hunter's Eye"
Hitchhiker's traps are highlighted for you.
Traps within ???m are highlighted.

"20/20 Vision"
Your Perception is increased by ???.

If a family member is with ??? meters, ???% more points are awarded on each tap during the Generator minigame.
(yes, a perk that sped up starting the generator for... victims, absolutely nothing exists of this perk in the files besides a localizaiton string, it was that bad)

  • The following perks don't have levelling data, likely meaning they were scrapped early, some of these also affect cut mechanics.

"Bleeding Reduction"
Reduce bleeding out rate by 50%.

"Bounce Back"
Gathering your strength is easier when downed.

Adds a Compass to the HUD to make it easier to navigate.

UI icon for the compass that would've been shown on the HUD

"Heavy Lifter"
Increased effectiveness at removing bolthole blockages.

"Last Stand"
Changes the family interaction to a hold interaction when searching for victim in a hiding spot.

"Longer Lasting"
Reduce Bleeding Out Rate by 25%

"Magic Medicine"
Increases health restored by 10 points.

"Marathon Runner"
Reduce stamina consumption when running by 50%.

"One More Time"
Increases Max Will To Live.
(added 160 points to Will to Live)

When under 25% health, be visible to every other victim on the map.

"Quick Hands"
Triples the speed at which doors unlock.

"Reverse Grandpa"
Highlights family members on grandpa activation.

"Sprint Burst"
Allows the character to sprint faster.

"Stamina Recovery"
Increase stamina regeneration rate by 50%.

"To The Rescue"
Highlight Victims being harvested on map.

Make the harvest minigame harder for family members by adding 2 extra buttons to each harvest minigame sequence.

If above 80% health, automatically win close encounters.

  • Grandpa Perks

"Thousand Cuts"
Victim bleed out rate Increased by 300%.

"Meticulous Searching"
Reduces hiding spot search time by 60%.

Scrapped Victim Ability

Connie's original ability was named "First Aid"

This ability would allow you to interact with a victim to apply "First Aid", interaction takes 5 seconds, after applying the ability goes on a 2 minute cooldown, victim affected by "First Aid" would have their bleedout paused and have their stamina consumption reduced by 60% for 15 seconds.

Map Placeholder Block outs

Some maps have their rough placeholder block outs still in the files, those maps being Family House (which is used as a developer test map), Sorority House and Graveyard

These block outs don't have much differences in their final map design, though the Sorority House blockout has a mostly fleshed out attic, suggesting that the attic wasn't an escape method at that point but rather an another playable area, in the final Sorority House the attic is empty.

(attic ladder is the hole to the bottom left of the screenshot)

Unused Animations


All Family have "Happy" (except for Leatherface) and "Angry" idle animations, first 5 seconds of the "Angry" animations are used as intro animations for Family, "Happy" animations are never used ingame, but would've been likely used after an execution as "celebration". Leatherface has an unused "Panic" animation, first 5 seconds of which are used for the intro animation for him. You likely saw some of these being used by cheaters.

Johnny has an unused animation for his Rush Week win cinematic, where he wipes his blade with his sleeve, in final it's just him climbing the wall.



Hands has an early model of his character model in the files which lacks textures, below is a comparison of his current model and early model.

Compared: Left - Early, Right - Final

Compared: Left - Final, Right - Early


2 cut/scrapped perks

"Final Girl"
When you're the last Victim standing, shards do not break and your maximum stamina increases by 10/20/30%.
(doesn't have a ui icon, still in the files in a folder named "Rejected")

"Crimson Cocktail"
You can heal 20% of your maximum HP by consuming blood from blood buckets. Has 2/3/4 charge(s).
(this perk is fully finished, has a ui icon, has interactions programmed and everything, and yet it was never used)


Bones has 2 scrapped bomb upgrade variants.

"Poison Bomb"
You would likely be able to upgrade a bomb this way through interacting with powder stations. Poison Bomb leaves Sissy's poison cloud on detonation but way smaller. Reused Sissy's powder item UI icon as placeholder.

"Incendiary Bomb"
Unknown effects. Reused Perfume item UI icon as placeholder.


Wyatt has 2 scrapped unique perks, which were mentioned in my datamine post.

Exact copy of the Agitator victim perk, except it's unique and uses Noise Pollution perk icon as placeholder. I have no clue either.

"Panic Inducement"
Throwing the knife at Grandpa makes him panic and call his family, revealing all of them for ??? seconds.
(reused Hands Off perk icon as placeholder)

Versatile perk was also reworked during development. Previously it would make Wyatt's knife work exactly like bone shards, meaning you could perform close encounters and sneak attacks at the expense of a knife.