Just a girl complaining about girl things (TMI warning)

Mk so, I'm on Reddit, right? And I go to check the group chat while drinking water and I laugh. And now there's booger water all over my clothes and bedding, even some on my floor. So I went to change my clothes because all but my bra got absolutely soaked, and when I did blood got everywhere because it's that time of month. And then I realized I'm out of clean underwear, so I had to hurry to the bathroom to get a wad of toilet paper, and let's just say it's a good thing the hallway's carpets are red.

And to top it off, I've been sick so my bedding is all covered in dried-up crusty boogers. So now my bedding is absolutely disgusting and I'm too sore to clean it.

I don't hate my life, my life hates me :3