Why are some married/ coupled women dishonest about how they felt when they were single?

Helloooo! I’m 29 (F) and I was wondering if you guys have ever encountered this. I’ve noticed this pattern typically with my women friends and other women in my life. Once they get into a relationship or are married they looovvee to make comments about how “unbothered” they were when they were single. They will say things like, “When I was single I didn’t care about being in a relationship at all. I was soooo focused on myself and hobbies. I truly made peace with the fact that it wouldn’t happen and that’s when I met him! You need to focus on you and that’s when it will happen.” It gets on my nerves because I was there when they were single and they hated it so much. They were serial monogamist and couldn’t even go a few months being alone. I know some women that told me they gave their husbands ultimatums when they were ready to be engaged. They also like to pretend like getting married was not a big deal to them. I just don’t get why they lie so much about their past feelings. Just own it. You were sad and stressed most of the time.

TBH…I think this really grinds my gears because I have been single my entire life. I have hobbies, I’ve lived abroad on my own, done solo traveling, and have a good circle of friends. I have genuinely spent time getting to know myself alone and also in therapy. My friends KNOW this about me. So when they turn to me and say stuff like this I just don’t get it. Now, if I ever hear or meet a woman that says how “focused on themselves they were” before meeting their partner I just assume they are lying.

Have you guys ever experienced this before? And why do you think women lie about being happy when they were single when they weren’t.