Sag vent
I’m a sag stellium and I’ve been doing some reflection. I feel like Sagittarius gets a bad rep for angry , explosive and intense emotion.. I believe we are constantly gaslighted by others esp air & earth signs bc our emotion is explosive it’s seen as dramatic or over the top . A lot of people don’t know we take a lot of shit on the daily , and our anger in built up sadness . We’re disregarded, and always have to be strong . We help others constantly and have no one else to lean on . When offended we pardon people alot , when we react is when we’ve had enough . I wish I didn’t feel things with intensity I wish I could be emotionally detached like air , or narcissistic like earth .. I’m tires of feelings things deeply & treating everyone with loyalty and kindness then get the short end of the stick .
So all in all I don’t think we’re angry people , I think what we exhibit is years of repressed pain .