All hail scrub tech

Guys, I’m in the cath lab with a scrub tech who clearly thinks he’s in charge.

“Why did we switch to these new catheters? Well, tell them that these new ones are shit and that we need to go back to the old ones”

“Why don’t we have that in the room already? Guy. Come on. This should have been in the room at the beginning of the case”

“Where is the XR tech? How long does it take to cross the hallway? Can you please call and make sure they’re actually on their way”

“Is that blood pressure real? Why aren’t we treating it? Come on guys.”

(To a device rep) “Why are you touching that? Nobody should be touching anything that they don’t absolutely have to.”

“For the third time, can someone get under the drapes and see what’s causing that shadow.”

That’s it. That is my post.

Edit: for the record this isn’t a vent. He didn’t bother me and wasn’t being particularly mean. It just always fascinates me when someone in the OR who isn’t the surgeon/procesuralist or anesthesiologist thinks that they are the most important person in the room or that they have the most important job. I work with an xray tech who is also like this. He’ll stroll into a room mid-case and start moving surgical and anesthesia equipment around without asking anyone. I’m not mad about it. I’m just like, damn, bro, where did you get the balls to think that you’re the main character here.