He doesn’t want the baby

So I’m pregnant and I have pcos and didn’t think I could catch I’m about 4 weeks and recently broke up with my ex boyfriend again… long story short I’ve been with him since March last year and it’s been very rocky he is very insecure and I’m insecure to and there has been many rocky moments… I really struggle to trust him and the fear is mutual… we spent almost everyday together but still seem to argue…he already has a baby mother and it the start of our relationship their coparenting relationship seemed off but we have made it work but she doesn’t like me at all… he told me she made him have his child but he never wanted it and we spoke about kids it the start and we did say I wouldn’t want to do that to him if we wasn’t in a good position… but I told him and he new how hard it is for me to get pregnant and I don’t no if it will happen again later…

Well I told him I am pregnant and he doesn’t want it and has said some mean things to me I really don’t know what to do I feel awful and alone I need some advice please