33wks - How are you feeling?❤️

Good morning lovely humans,

I’m 33 weeks today and it’s suddenly hit me that it’s almost time to graduate to become a Mama. I am super excited and very nervous. We had a tour around our Maternity Unit a few weeks back which definitely settled my nerves - would recommend to do this if you can! (This was not the delivery suite just the birthing pools, which I hope to have).

I’m getting super tired and uncomfortable. Switching sides in bed is becoming painful with the weight in my stomach pressing on my organs. My skin has become spotty. I’ve started to eat a lot more than I have done my entire pregnancy. Has been head down for a few weeks now which was confirmed by the Sonographer and Midwife when having a feel, so I currently have a waddle. When baby is kicking/rolling around it can become somewhat painful!

I have my baby shower soon which I look forward to. But I have a feel baby will come straight after then, they are a March baby but I just know they ain’t waiting until then! I am so excited and making count of every kick/hiccup I feel, as I know it won’t be long now.
