Improvements to Communicating with others would be great!
I saw a post on here mentioning how controversial the new trading system is but my my concern is how I'm supposed to communicate with them! I don't have that many people I know that play this game and the answer shouldn't just immediate be "Go find a reddit group/social media/disboard group" There should be a better way in game to communicate with people. I do understand that these methods are available to me but that's not what I mean to get across here....or that these methods are always trustworthy lol.
And this goes for any kind of multiplayer game that just has a "online random battle" button. Its great that there's the option to do this if you don't have a lot of friends who play the same game but unless there's some kind of chat system in the game to set things up with or talk game with, then whats the point?
I just wish there more ways to fully interact/communicate within the game itself instead of just adding random people from battles/trades and hoping they are: A. Decent people, B: Online at the same times as me and C I can actually talk to them through the game I'm playing. I'm enjoying this game more with every update as they continue to add things to spice up the Meta, but I don't want my only "real" interactions with people be from watching a Youtube video, looking up a deck build or hitting the like button on someones Display Board. There are several games that at the very least have a "World" chat, at the very least you should be able to DM people on here!
Side note: I have not actually tried trading yet, I'm kinda assuming you just post what you want to trade to someone and the next time they log on they can view the trade, otherwise you would never get to trade ever. But the fact remains that I would still like to have conversations or talk strategy with these people instead of "I like that card, you like my card, ooga booga press trade/battle button"