Massive latch struggles

My baby is 5 days old. I exclusively breastfed / pumped with my first and planned to do the same here. My daughter latched immediately at the hospital and had zero latch issues at all. Then we get home from the hospital and my milk comes in and now she will hardly ever latch. I don’t know what to do. I’ve been pumping and giving her that. Thankfully I am producing enough but I’m incredibly overwhelmed. Why would she latch without issue and now refuse?

She does spit up a lot. She seems hungry and roots and tries to find the breast but then won’t latch or will latch for a second and pull off. Could it be swelling?

Those that have dealt with something similar, how did you handle it? How often should I pump? I’m seeing a lactation consultant in 2 days. Daughter lost a little weight before leaving hospital but had maintained that weight at her first pediatrician appt. We have another weight check tomorrow