What is your best evidence that ghosts exist? Please read post.

This might be a dumb question considering the sub Reddit, but real talk…. Do people really experience ghost and demons or is it just a projection of their imagination. Hear me out.

I work in the tech industry so naturally I’m all about science. But that being said, I would say I also believe in God (and naturally sure, the devil and ghosts as well). But come on, this idea that there’s real horror movie like encounters in life seems a bit outlandish to me.

Here’s what I think…. I believe in the law of attraction, manifestation and all that good stuff. So perhaps the reason why I personally have never experienced anything horror movie like is simply because that is just not a part of my realty. So I do not fear it. So it cannot come true.

Sure I do get scared watching horrors movies. I’m not a psychopath. But like I said, I refuse to believe that as my realty. So I know confidently I will not experience it. That is key manifestation.

That being said I’m sure if I do walk into a textbook real life ‘haunted house’, I would manifest a ghost or something. But again, I’m a city boy working in tech. That just won’t happen you know?