Literally, what is going on?

I’ve had to block two people for the first time ever in this game today. I have 350+ hours in this game, and have never blocked anyone until today.

First, there was a grove sniper (not who I blocked) and everyone in chat started arguing about that. I didn’t see it until I got back, as I was taking a break. However, one of the people arguing just wouldn’t let it go. I was trying to type positive messages to diverge from the negative experience and that seemed fine. However, not too long later a different player types in chat they’re having issues. I was trying to help and give some advice, when here comes the player from earlier who was fighting with everyone and they say, “maybe only offer help if it’s asked for.”

I’m sorry, what? Since when? Is it not socially acceptable to try to give advice if someone types they’re having trouble with something? Is typing in chat “not to laugh” because you’re having issues hunting not basically asking for help? Anyway, that was clearly upsetting and discouraging, but I just blocked them.

But then! Before I blocked them I said, “it’s a public chat I can type what I want. I was just typing to help. <3” And someone else responds to that much later and says, “just because you can say what you want doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences.” While I agree with this sentiment, I don’t see why the fuck you would say that to someone who, again, was genuinely just being kind and friendly and trying to help and make conversation. What consequences should there be for my horrendous actions? (Of AGAIN just trying to help and make friends)

All this to say, the bad guys win, I’m disabling chat bc I want to enjoy this game and don’t want to have a panic attack and question myself for trying to reach out. This sucks.

TLDR: people are being c*nts and I’m done with chat for awhile. I always try to be kind and helpful and positive, but fuck it.