[Multi Lines] While traveling through the city of Chicago late in the night, your OC bumps into Melanie who is currently getting mugged and held at gunpoint while traveling through a shady alleyway. (READ the ENTIRE body text)

While the short looking teen holds her hands up in the air, a terrified look on her face.

The robber yells at her to hand her bag over. And she hesitates for a moment.

Then your OC steps in.

Rules: - No IDC OCs - No romance - Only human passing OCs are allowed in the RP - Put a ⭐️ emoji once you’ve read through the entire text

Info about OC: - Melanie is 18 years old. - Her full name is Melanie Quinn. - And her voice claim is Twyla Boogeyman from Gen 1 of Monster High.

Setting of RP: - Takes place on Earth (could be any time period) - Sci fi, fantasy, and supernatural elements are allowed.

Theme Song/Song of the Day for the RP:


While the short looking teen holds her hands up in the air, a terrified look on her face.

The robber yells at her to hand her bag over. And she hesitates for a moment.

Then your OC steps in.

Rules: - No IDC OCs - No romance - Only human passing OCs are allowed in the RP - Put a ⭐️ emoji once you’ve read through the entire text

Info about OC: - Melanie is 18 years old. - Her full name is Melanie Quinn. - And her voice claim is Twyla Boogeyman from Gen 1 of Monster High.

Setting of RP: - Takes place on Earth (could be any time period) - Sci fi, fantasy, and supernatural elements are allowed.

Theme Song/Song of the Day for the RP:
