I've got low hopes on Nilou being a main DPS. .
Not that its a bad thing, however SubDPS/hydro applicator is a very saturated terrain and I doubt as things is as it is Nilou won't be able to beat:
Xq and Yelan's hydro application and off field DPS.
Mona and Kokomi's buffing/healing and summon hydro off field application.
From what I understand on her current kit (C0) , shes only best with a dendro character.
Nilou being on a team outside dendro would make her Yae-like SubDPS that extends team rotation.
So far we only have 2 DPS hydro and both are husbando, the expection of he being the 3rd hydro dps and a waifu is high, but sadly, that waifu is still yet to come.
Since I'm not guaranteed on Kazuha, I've decided to pull for him because I'd be fine losing 50/50 and/or getting him.
I got him, it's the third time I won the 50/50 in succession.
This is not a doompost, like others would say, but the leaks certainly made me think twice on pulling her, now I have to watch out if she really offers something different from existing hydros.
Sad day for the Main DPS Nilou wanters.