What is Meshuggah's scariest/creepiest/spookiest song or song moment in their discography?

To my dear Meshuggah juice drinkers, I was listening to catch 33 at the gym today and relistened to the end of In Death - Is Death. I forgot just how spooky it sounds. So unsettling yet it hits perfectly. It made me wonder between all of Meshuggah's soft moments where we hear eerie shit going on, what is the spookiest. It doesn't have to be a soft part, it could be a song, who knows...

Ones that came up to mind were the first silent part in "I" played right after their most chaotic moment. But it also reminded me of the first times I listened to Bleed back when I discovered the band a few years ago and how that soft part was unsettling and when the solo comes in, the jumpscare I used to have.