Why ____ & ____ didn’t go to Mexico: my theory
Only 6 couples can go to Mexico. I think the reason the producers chose another couple over Leo and Brittany was because they could see it’d be a dumpster fire already. They probably listened to the fans complaints about too many dramatic couples in the show the past few seasons and wanted to send people to Mexico who would actually stand a chance at being in the real world. It was obvious Leo was clueless about who he wanted. He also knew that Brittany’s a woman who has a past of men paying her way 100%, yet he also complained women only want him for his money. Brittany made it no secret she expects a man to provide completely for her. She also seemed to be pretty manipulative in how she dealt with him and was always trying to have the upper hand in the relationship. She looked completely unhappy at the prospect of marriage during the reveal. All of that together was a recipe for disaster. I personally am glad they didn’t send them to Mexico instead of the other couples. I feel like most the couples this year are actually pretty solid and should have a chance to be shown on the show.