Feminism sold women a lie

Poor and middle class Women have always worked. But the difference was that the majority of these women were also married and had kids. Today the work is there but the family and husband is not. That’s the issue we are facing as a society. Women’s demands for potential partners is insane.

Jordan Peterson is one of the first men to intellectually challenge the fanatics in the feminist movement about equality. Well women want equal parts of the C suite politics but not in the trenches in Ukraine. Or running around the mountains of Afghanistan fighting the Taliban. That’s so interesting. The feminists have an opportunity to really fight the patriarchy in Ukraine against Putin and his Allies or in Afghanistan against the Taliban.

But the feminists are no where to be found. The feminists want men to fight those wars. In Afghanistan, American male soldiers fought to protect Afghan girls and women. In 2021 we were forced to leave and now recently there is an explosion of Afghan women and girls committing suicide. Why? No one is coming to the rescue and there is no way out. To the west is Iran to the east is Pakistan and the north is the ex Soviet republics.

Feminism is a lie and it sold women a lie.