If Cecil’s all about rehabilitating bad guys, why not give these two a shot?

This is all assuming that Cecil is monitoring these two, which he’s probably not. They might be the only 2 villains in this world that can be legitimately rehabilitated from their life of crime, especially since they tried to do it themselves. I know they don’t have the most useful/unique powers out there, but surely it would be better to employ these 2 as heroes as apposed to having to fight them every once in a while. Plus they aren’t doing their crimes for the love of violence and killing, they just simply need money. Give them a job as security guards for an important lab that needs extra protection or something.

This is all assuming that Cecil is monitoring these two, which he’s probably not. They might be the only 2 villains in this world that can be legitimately rehabilitated from their life of crime, especially since they tried to do it themselves. I know they don’t have the most useful/unique powers out there, but surely it would be better to employ these 2 as heroes as apposed to having to fight them every once in a while. Plus they aren’t doing their crimes for the love of violence and killing, they just simply need money. Give them a job as security guards for an important lab that needs extra protection or something.