Matched with 2 IVs as a non US img

That's it. I am over the moon and my happiness is immeasurable.

Stats: low step 1 and 2scores , 1 month usce, 1 US LOR, Home country experience, no connections. Got 2 IVs and got the email today.

Needless to say, it's possible, to everyone who didn't match, its okay, don't give up, this isnt the end of the road, keep on pushing and you will get there, the universe has it planned out for you, maybe you will match through soap, maybe you are just being saved from a horrible position and gonna be getting into a better one next year, please dont feel discouraged, seek moral support from your family and friends and keep your chin up high. This doesn't define you, nor is it the determinant that makes you a good doctor, you are a superhero for making it this far, keep going.