Tips for stopping myself snoring in shared sleeping situations
Hello ladies, I'm going on a short trip next month when I'll be sleeping on both a night train and in a dormitory. I'm in my 50s and I know I sometimes snore. Any tips (apart from CPAP!) to reduce the risk I'll disturb everyone else's sleep?
I have been known to tape my mouth up, not sure if it helps.
EDIT: Thanks to advice from this thread (and a previous one I found) I downloaded an app to my phone - SnoreLab - and was horrified to discover that I snored at "Epic" level for 60% of the night.
I'm trying everything ladies, and then I should probably go and see my doc.
EDIT2: I've now used the SnoreLab app for a bit over a week and the results are pretty conclusive. I drank alcohol the evening before the first results, and have had none since. If that's the primary culprit (and it certainly looks to be the case) then it's pretty scary how long-lasting the effects are.
EDIT3: OK I wasn't able to add an image. Basically, my "snore score" declines in a more or less straight line from 127 last Friday to 13 today.