Grateful for My Gestational Diabetes Diagnosis

I know it might sound strange, but I’m genuinely grateful for my gestational diabetes diagnosis. At first, it felt overwhelming and stressful, but looking back, it was a blessing in disguise. Without that diagnosis, I probably would have given in to my cravings all the time and gained way more weight than necessary.

The diet I had to follow was strict, but by cutting out sugars and focusing on balanced, nutrient-dense foods, I actually felt more energetic than ever before. The diet helped me stay mindful of what I was eating, kept my blood sugar stable, and made me feel better. I only gained the necessary weight during my pregnancy (8 kg). I never felt fat or heavy, like a lot of pregnant women around me. On the contrary, I felt strong, healthy, productive, energetic and pretty. Most importantly, I was able to stay active throughout the entire pregnancy: I swam and cycled regularly, right up until just three days before giving birth. I'm convinced that these activities helped me to prepare for labor.

Another unexpected benefit is that I enjoy food so much more now, after giving birth. The first meal after labor tasted absolutely delicious.

I know you should never compare pregnancies, but allow me to say this (without shaming or jugdment): When I do compare my pregnancy with friends without GD, it is remarkable how much easier my pregnancy was. They were not able to stay as active, gained more weight, had more complications, had more emotional problems, felt more tired, overall complained more ... I honestly wonder whether a sugar free diet should be advised to all pregnant women, regardless of a GD diagnosis.

For anyone dealing with a new gestational diabetes diagnosis, I just want to say—I get it. It’s tough at first, but the positive impact it can have on your health and your pregnancy can be really rewarding in the long run.