Just finished Inazuma, do people really hate this?
I have read some other posts about characters being left behind, such as Teppei and Sara, and to be honest I felt it was kind of fitting in a way? I do agree we could have seen more from them but I'm not complaining, Sara and Teppei both got what they wanted, Teppei a little less but thats not the entire point of this post.
Imo, up until Inazuma we'd really lost nothing, at least nothing of any importance, for once I felt scared actually fighting. I'm not doing an easy Xinqiu Hu Tao vape combo on Raiden or even Signora, but that's the final part of the AQ and people do attribute Inazuma's bad rep to the parts before.
I've seen some about the resistance, but I loved it, I liked it so much it felt like we finally had allies, in Mondstadt it was only a few in Liyue it was the Adeptus and such, but in Inazuma we were part of something bigger, and oh my god the fighting scenes ACTUALLY had a bunch of soldiers. Exploring around the island and its puzzles was normal to me, not boring or overly amazing but hey, the constant lightning gave me something to think about instead of mindlessly roaming around.
Now for the real ones that are definitely debatable, quests like the fireworks or the one with Ayaka, I wont even argue it much I loved it personally, yes I can see how some found it boring but Inazuma was the place we came to and the dialogue options actually changed, it wasnt 100% "I'll help everyone," (Such as the "Im not here to start a rebellion" line.) but seeing the traveler end up helping everyone actually gave me some peace of mind I guess.
I completely went over this, SIGNORA DIES, the first death finally, and a very deserved one. This has been mentioned before but it is the first person we see in Genshin storyline to truly feel like an Archon, Venti is just a lazy dude and you couldnt even take Zhongli seriously with his attitude is Liyue. IS THIS REALLY A HOT TAKE? Like, I feel I dont believe people really hate Inazuma in the same way I'd imagine they dont believe I truly like Inazuma this much.