GPD Pocket 4 and mobile game controllers
Does anyone have an experience of using both together? By mobile game controllers, I mean the ones which can be attached to phones and tablets, like GameSir G8.
I have a dillema between GPD Pocket 4 and GPD Max 2 (2025). They both seem to have identical parameters (Ryzen AI 9 HX 370, Radeon 890M). What I like about Pocket is that it's smaller, supports pens and has a turnable screen, which can be used as a tablet. Max 2 has an integrated joysticks, but people seem to complain that they are not comfortable and tend to get hot.
These reasons make me lean towards Pocket 4, but I still would like to game on it sometimes. Having a mobile controller would solve that. But I'm unsure if even the most wide extendable models, like GameSir 8, will fit the 8.8" Pocket and be able to hold it. Does anyone have that kind of setup working?