Hidden Clue in Rendez-Move Website
Hey guys, I am sorry if this was already mentioned or said...
I saw a post where someone posted an image of the website where in season 3 episode 2 Tabitha was showing Henry some news about her family's disappearance. The website is this: https://desertstarchronicle.com/
When I visited it on the bottom right corner we can see an ad for Rendex-Move which was shown multiple times throughout the show(I don't remember specific episodes tho)
After clicking it I went to the website of this company which is: https://rendezmove.com/
As you can see the website is pretty basic, but when I inspected its code I found this:
This is a function that runs after a random number from 0 to 1000 hits 0. When it hits 0, an image will be shown on the screen. What I did is I created an image tag(added an image to the website structure) and for the source, I pasted their source("secret-01.jpg").
After I did that this image popped up:
It's pretty interesting, considering the show's creators put it as a secret image on the website.
Also, there is another function that changes the title of the page to a random number(some of them have strange characters in it tho), when a number between 0 and 400 is less than 9. There are 9 titles available so if the random number is 3 the title of the page will show the 3rd title
Let me know what are your thoughts about this. Maybe the image has some greater meaning