Forever alone fictional characters

Almost every main fictional character is going to have at least one love interest for drama. But here are some that come pretty close to that forever alone feel

Bubbles- The Wire (doesn’t have a single love interest)

Arthur Morgan- Red Dead Redemption 2: Mary, but she rejects him during the events of the game. Had that wife before the game but she’s long out of the picture) This is my personal favorite character here

Franklin- GTA V (dumped at beginning of game no love interests after)

Luke Skywalker, canon (being a Jedi is volcel but in cannon so far he’s never even had a love interest

Ahsoka Tano (also never had one)

Ezra Bridger (never had one)

Mando (never had one)

Captain Rex (never had one)

Andor- (implied to have an old girlfriend but she’s not in his show. The most human of these Star Wars characters)

Bucky Barnes MCU (never had one)

Sam Wilson MCU (never had one)

Captain Norrington- Pirates of the Caribbean (relatable as he keeps getting rejected by the girl he likes)

Bodie- The Wire (doesn’t have one)

Mike Ermentraut- Breaking Bad (I mean he’s old as hell so it wouldn’t make sense)

Nacho Varga -Better Call Saul (This one is a little iffy to be counted. He has meth addicted prostitutes he keeps around for sex but he never has a real love interest. He is still getting laid though)

Rust Cohle- True Detective (also iffy because he’s basically a volcel. Still pretty relatable and lonely

Kal Cestis- Fallen order (romance is never really featured in the games but he’s probably a volcel anyway)

Leon Kennedy- Resident Evil (Likes one girl and she always rejects him. I know Ashley had a crush probably but I think just one comedic scene doesn’t qualify enough her to be a love interest)

Chris Redfield Jill Valentine - Resident Evil

(Just throwing this in because neither of them ever have any love interests.)

Haymitch- Hunger Games (in the books I’m pretty sure he doesn’t kiss Effie)

Severus Snape -Arguably the most popular FA character

K- Bladerunner 2049 (AI girlfriend doesn’t count)

Locus- Red vs Blue Agent Washington Red vs Blue Simmons Griff Caboose Sarge- Red vs Blue

Ellen Ripley- Alien (debatable because she has a daughter and hooks up with a guy in alien 3 but he’s not really romantic interest more just a fling)

The Hound- Game of Thrones Jorah mormont- (also someone always getting rejected) Theon Greyjoy- (prostitutes don’t count)

*Tyrion Lannister- (I’m iffy about this inclusion. One could argue that Shae never loved him and that’s what I thought when I saw the show.) He certainly was relatable about being an outcast

Lara Croft- survivor tomb raider trilogy (never shows any interest at all in any romance.)

These are all I can think of at the top of my head if you want some cool single characters. I’ll probably add more if I think of some in the comments.

Feel free to add any characters yourself that I forgot