Just beat Chapter 9 and REALLY hated the bosses, do they stay as jumpy as those two?
The hojo monster and Scarlet both just dashed around the screen like something possessed. It EXTREMELY frustrating to deal with especially because I don't like playing the ranged heavy characters outside Barrett. The experiment also said 'do a lot of damage when it gets high on mako and you will pressure it' and I was hammering that thing NON-STOP and it only staggered in the first phase followed by an immediate cutscene to phase 2, jump around more edition. Yes I was hitting it with Ice, A LOT. It didn't pressure at any point and the entirety of phase 2 was just fighting it on crack cocaine.
Scarlet was mostly the same thing, I understood what I had to do quickly to stagger her but the arms only took damage to lightning which only Aerith had and for some reason it was still just thunder as her materia never leveled up from the very start of the game? I don't know why this is but I figured it would just be faster to kill Scarlet by wailing on her which I did and hated every second because she dashes around like an idiot again.
Do bosses keep up this jump all the way across the screen non stop pattern or is it just these two assholes because they were peak anti fun?