When is it too late?
Hi everyone! First time posting here!
I had twin boys on 12/20 and they were both in the NICU. I pumped while in the hospital and the nurses were really pleased with how much colostrum I was producing and how quickly my milk came in. I was in the hospital for a prolonged period because I had an emergency c-section and severe preeclampsia and my blood pressure would not go back down, but that’s a whole different story!
Anyhow, I was doing a much better job at keeping a pumping schedule while they were in the NICU because it felt like the most important thing I could “do” for them.
After they both got home, the realization hit that being hooked up to a pump every 2-3 hours was no longer practical! We supplement with formula as well.
I started trying to latch them, but they just seemed to be STARVING afterwards, so now I am trying to go back to pumping.
I feel like my attempt at latching them REALLY hurt my supply. When I was latching, I would only pump twice a day because I would just latch on both breasts when they were hungry, but them seeming starving afterwards was incredibly discouraging so I switched back to pumping, but now I am not producing nearly as much. Ugh!
My question is, now that I am 7 weeks post partum, will I be able to get my supply back up? I’m feeling incredibly discouraged every time I pump. I am not ready to give up but it just feels like a lot to physically/emotionally handle.
Is there hope?? Or is it too late?