Am I crazy or is my LC wrong?
I was under the impression that once my supply was well established at 12 weeks, I could experiment with dropping a pump (starting with the MOTN pump). And then maybe another. The caveat was I thought I could do this without impacting supply and that my other pumps during the day would help compensate. I am a “just enougher” to twin girls, but I am also sooo tired of interrupting my sleep to pump. It’s getting harder and harder to fall back asleep.
The second question I had that I’m confused about is when the babies will feed less frequently but larger amounts. She told me even at 4 or 5 months they’ll be eating 8 times per day (approx the 105ml they just upped to). She said even if they sleep longer throughout the night, they’ll still feed extra during the day to make up for it. thought at a certain point we would only be feeding like 5 or 6 times during the day, but the same daily quantity spread over those feeds.
Someone help me understand. Is she right??