Long Duration Ultimates That Lock Other Abilities Are Not Fun
McGinnis, Seven, Haze, Bebop, and to a much lesser extent Dynamo and Mo all have ultimates which essentially lock them into an ulting state that completely disables all input/other abilities. These cartoonishly long durations lockout ults just all suck to play, to play against, and to balance. If the ult is good, it will be the only thing people build around because it can essentially functions entirely on its own (Haze, Dynamo). If the ult is bad, it will not only not be built for, but never be used since it will actively make you worse by locking out your other abilities (Seven, McGinnis gun build). I love Deadlock, but this pattern of design just sucks and there's a reason games like Overwatch avoid it. Why not develop duration ults which actually flow with the rest of the kit and create unique playmaking opportunities. A common pattern in other titles is an ultimates which either do something instantly (most), or ones which augments your other abilities, or acts as a stimulus for a short period. For example Vayne from LoL. These state transformation ults just tend to feel very clunky? For example Overwatch had a tank transformation ultimate for Bastion, which has since been reworked for good reason. They just tend not to be fun, and are even more damaging in a MOBA where they can be built around.