Should I move in with my parents

38f No dept , 240k pension, 30 k investments , I used to earn 16k a month as a contractor for a company but used to shop and eat out and over spend on my daughter. I also made some very bad investments and invested in businesses which failed. I dont have a house I have 100k in savings

I used to pay 4k a month on private school I now have a child minder for 400 a month if I move in with my parents that will be 0.

I pay 3 k a month on rent and bills which will go to zero.

I pay 2k on food and petrol which will be significantly reduced to 500 .

I'm a single parent with no support from the ex but he lives in my rental.

I feel if I had 8 months to a year with low outgoings I could have enough for a house .