What should I do
A couple of days ago, I noticed on my Eero router app recently active devices page that a device titled “Private” with a manufacturer of Private and a MAC address of f0:a2:25:0b:67:42 was active at 4:41 AM. So I blocked it. Eero support said that would take care of it. In the past two days it still shows as blocked but each morning the recently active date changes to the current day, but always at 4:41 AM.
Two nights ago I shut down all devices but kept my iPhone on with the WiFi turned off. When I woke up, the WiFi was turned back on. So last night I did the same, but woke up at 4:41 AM to check my phone. The WiFi wasn’t on but where the WiFi icon normally is there was a spinning circle. So I just powered down my phone until this morning. I don’t want to shut my phone down every night.