Need Advice Regarding Settlement of Credit Card Dues.

I had 3 Credit cards, HDFC regalia, SBI Simply Save and BoB card. All had limits below 1Lakh. During covid my savings depleted and i started using these 3 extensively. But my repayment schedule was so irregular, the monthly dues got big and bigger and i started defaulting my monthly bill payments. And later after several months i had to settle all of those credit cards, by paying 50% each of my actual amount due.

Because of this my Cibil got very low, but later somehow i acquired a Credit Card against FD with low limit and i started paying it in full. I've been using it since past 1.5 years now. Never paid minimum amount due, always in full every month.

My question is, if i went back and i paid full remaining amount of my previous credit cards which i settled, of HDFC, SBI and BoB, will i be able to get a high credit score in the upcoming few years? Provided, I'm gonna pay my each credit card or any Emi/bill in full each month.

And will i be able to get a new Unsecured credit card with moderate limit now or after i repaid my previous settled dues?

Or the repayment of remaining due of settled credit card is even needed or not?

Every answer is appreciated.

Thank you.