Scuf came out with a new $100 Xbox controller 🎮
It looks solid for the price definitely looks on par or better than the Razer equivalent. I know Scuf gets a lot of flak but I love my Scuf Instinct. I tried about 8-10 different controllers finally landing on the Scuf as the my comfortable easily customizable controller I've used. Everything about it is great EXCEPT the price. I was fortunate enough to get mine for free =D.
But for those not wanting to drop the $229.99 for an Instinct I think this new Scuf Valor Pro might be the one to get. There aren't many reviews so I would say get one, try it out (I work as Best Buy very EZ return policy) 14 days to play that thing to the max before making a final decision but I challenge you guys to give it a look.
It's going for $109.99 at Best Buy. Hope to see some reviews on it from Halo players! And make sure you mess with the deadzones took me finding the perfect settings for my Scuf to truly shine and it wasn't a setting I used for other controllers.