Genburten on why 100t played poorly at LAN

Couple of interesting things to note:

  1. Genburten clearly says that the problem at lan was not timmys calls, but having 2 igls. He says "Timmys calls weren't bad. He'll definitely be making mistakes, but overall his calls weren't bad." Gen also says "If we had 1 igl the whole time, it would have been fine. If we just did what timmy did or wanted, it would have been fine."
  2. As expected, Timmy definitely made some mistakes and bad calls. Genburten made some suggestions that Timmy ignored in game 4 which was definitely a blunder. Game 5, if you watch the vods, Dezign makes the call to go to the spot early and hold it early. Gen says there is a full team behind them but Timmy and Dezign ignore Gen and go to the spot early and they die because of it.
  3. Timmy and Dezign made some good and bad calls from these games. Timmy and Dezign both ignored Gen's suggestions that could have been better in hindsight. Game 1, Gen agrees with Timmy that they should have went edge at the end and focused on the team that just bubbled. This would have put them in a MUCH stronger position to get first, which arguably would have been enough for them to make finals. However, Dezign forces them to go in the middle early, which flustered Gen to bubble for him. Zachmazer also comments saying Timmy had the right play in game 1 as well and it could have gotten them 1st. Game 6, Dezign had the right call to go to Mills but Timmy says to hold and they die. Game 7 both Timmy and Dezign make a bad call?
  4. Dezign igl game 7 and game 8. In game 8, they nearly got wiped at 18th place but DSG (being last place at that time) purposely let Dezign go even though they could have and should have easily chased dez with the car and wipe.

Overall, its interesting to see that Zach and Gen have similar sentiments: that the reason 100t did not do well was because of having 2 igls cluttering the comms and making it confusing and harder to play. I always wanted to hear Gen's perspective on this because he would have the best insight of the situation instead of timmy and dezign because that might be a bit more biased. While I believe Timmy definitely needs work on IGL, I do agree that if they just stuck to only Timmy's calls and not make it confusing, they would have made finals (as they barely missed it by 2 points). I also believe that if they just stuck with only Dezign calls if he was sole igl, they would have been fine as well, but Genburten and Dezign both agreed for Timmy to be IGL, but it feels that Dezign did not stay consistent with that.

Its also interesting to see so many hate comments on Timmy when pro players arent even blaming timmy fully. Many comments are saying he is bad igl and cherry picked the games that he did bad in to prove he is bad igl and thats why they did poorly. But cherry picking a couple of bad games to me doesnt prove anything because every IGL, even the best ones, have bad games. So many good teams and IGLs had 0 or 1 point games throughout tournament and some did not even make it past elimination round 1 (Nocturnal sadly..).