Why is it so hard to make friends in college?
I'm a grad student now but this was an issue even when I was an undergrad and I've just been so frustrated and tired. I've tried every strategy people have said to do: I've joined clubs and organizations and sports and tried to exchange social media and phone numbers but nothing seems to work. I've never shared a meal with anyone, had a conversation outside of schoolwork, never gone on any trips with other people never been invited to a party, and anything I've tried to set up to invite people to has never had anyone show up. I've made a few acquaintances, as in people who remember my name and say hi when they see me sometimes, but that's the closest I've ever gotten to a friend. I've put in so much effort trying to make friends including driving people to practice, buying snacks and food for the club without asking for any reimbursement, helping people with their homework, and still I don't have a single person I can really call my friend. I spent all of middle and high school alone wishing that it could all be over so i could get a fresh start in college and make friends but it's been nearly 4 years and I haven't made any progress. I genuinely don't know what to do, it's been so hard. Am I really that boring of a person? I'm tired.
I don't mean to sound bitter but I just feel awful inside seeing people around campus with their friends and chatting or walking past house parties on my way back to my apartment and knowing that kind of life is just inaccessible no matter what I try. I've resorted to just daydreaming about what it'd be like to have friends but even that still kind of hurts.