Nearly squished - fun but responsible alternatives to an mx-5
Hi all,
I currently own a 2l mx5 nc. It’s my first car and is been genuinely the m best and most fun experience of first car ownership I can think of.
Unfortunately it has come with nearly being run off the road multiple times by lorries not caring about my well being. Recently it was too close to call and I’ve decided I’m going to sell up because I Cba to be killed by someone else’s stupidity!
I’m looking for a fun alternative which is a bit more responsible (shudders preferably not even a two seater), as while it was perfect for a lonesome bachelor, turns out my gf packs a BIG suitcase when we’re going on holiday. I think I’m quite unbothered by luxuries, but don’t want a pile of rubbish. Budget is 3-8k (my mx5 was 3.5k and damn reliable).
I don’t really do that many miles, probably 4k a year. But that is pottering to work, and the occasional road trip to Cornwall/Lake District/scotland.
Thanks all