Any Suggestions To Cope With Pain Caused By Convergence Insufficiency?
I have been having eye strain and trouble foucuaing for about a year. Got really bad after a mild concussion in November but it definitely was around before that. I would always describe it as my eyes just wouldn’t “work together”, which turns is a pretty good (if not incredibly simple) description of convergence insufficiency.
I didn’t just self diagnose though, went to optometry who referred me to an optometrist who specializes in vision therapy, and did get officially diagnosed.
Started the vision therapy, and got pretty constant headaches every time I did. I’ve had migraines all my life but this was like 15-30 minutes after doing my exercises every time. Where so bad that I didn’t really eat much for a few weeks, and I’m already scary thin.
Saw neuro-ophthalmology and my very nice neurologist and they both said if it’s triggering migraines and not showing improvement, (this was after 7 weeks although I know it can take longer than that) that I should maybe take a break from it until I get my headaches under control.
Problem is, my headaches have gotten WORSE since then. While I’m not getting migraines nearly as often, I’ve had a tension headache and severe eye strain every day for two weeks. I’m getting an MRI in a week to rule anything out but they are very confident they won’t find anything. The eye strain is so bad that after a few hours of doing what i want to during the day, I get a headache and my eyes start to get so sore I just have to close them for a while. I also have visual snow syndrome and severe light sensitivity that also has gotten worse since my mild concussion. I’m sure it does help as well that my hobby of choice is video games.
I just need to find ways to cope right now and hopefully get back to a place where vision therapy isn’t detrimental to my health. I have ways of dealing with headaches, but if I take ibuprofen every time I have a headache I’ll get rebound headaches in like three days. I also have rescue meds to take when I have a migraine, but as I stated before, these aren’t migraine level headaches.
It’s really preventing me from living my life right now. When my afterimages and light sensitivity are so bad being outside or on a computer is hard, I just get so bored waiting for the pain go away (which at best takes hours) and it makes me very unhappy. Add onto that the eye strain from the convergence insufficiency making it’s hard to even look are things with the eye strain, needless to say I’m having a pretty bad time.
All my doctors say that structurally there is 0 damage too my eyes, which I have mixed feeling about, and the only other test they have left to run is the MRI, and they are confident they won’t find anything there.
I just need some help on what to do so I can start doing the things I want to do with minimal pain. Any help is appreciated, and any questions are welcome!