Barking at TV

Hi everyone. I made a post recently about rescuing a Mal puppy (6-7 months) that was wandering on the streets. We’ve had her for 1.5 weeks now and she is definitely becoming a menace… lol. We are getting her into professional training soon, but we are in the middle of moving homes and life is a bit crazy at the moment so we won’t be able to do that for another 3 weeks at most. We are definitely beginning to understand this breed and their craziness, but right now we are having some issues with her having found her voice. Any time we turn the TV on she barks, every single time without fail. We can’t hardly watch anything at night because she goes crazy barking at nothing. Does anyone else’s Mal do this and what can we do to try and correct this? I feel like we are beginning to lose our minds. 😅