Office doesn’t do 12 week scans

Hi everyone - I recently learned that my provider does not do 12 week scans unless they are medically necessary. Naively, I had always heard of others who had 12 week scans and just assumed it was standard. My best friend who is two months further along than I am lives in a different state and a 12 week NT scan was a regular part of their care (she also had an 7 week scan & NIPT testing).

So most of my pregnancy I had mentally planned to wait until the 12 week scan before we announced to family/friends, but now found out our next scan won’t be until 20 weeks for the anatomy scan.

This probably wouldn’t be much of an issue normally, but the pregnancy has really heightened my anxiety & now having the “peace of mind” of the 12 week scan taken away has me really stressed out. I know some of my anxiety might be a bit irrational given low probability that there is something wrong but I just can’t help it. :( We did do a NIPT and everything came back low risk, which helped ease my concerns a bit, but I understand that the NT scan also checks for heart defects/abnormalities etc which NIPT wouldn’t identify.

I tried advocating for a 12 week scan at the office but the OB I met with pretty firmly told me no. I tried calling back later to rephrase it more as an NT scan and the nurse I was put in contact told me she’s never heard of an NT scan and asked me what it was. She told me she’d have to ask around and ended up never calling me back.

So all of this venting to just ask if anyone else didn’t receive an NT/12 week scan and how you managed any anxiety related to that? Is it fairly normal to not receive an NT scan in the US?

Thanks in advance for any experiences you all might have to share