Dog anxiety vs anal glands vs something else?

* Species: Dog
* Age: 4
* Sex/Neuter status: Male,intact
* Breed: pug
* Body weight: Not obese, not sure of exact weight
* History: Unremarkable
* Clinical signs: Almost a week ago it seemed that my pug may be having anal gland issues. I upped fiber and intermittently he's seemed better. But there's all of this excess panting, particularly around the evenings--behaviorally, he's been more hyper, very playful--licking more than usual. Typical appetite. He's been having these fixations with where he's been sitting and he'll start licking at or sniffing the area---all of this made me think anal glands but everything looks totally normal back there. Its as if he's been anxious somehow but still seems otherwise totally normal but definitely more panting. I'm trying to get into my vet but I've been getting over a very bad illness and struggling with this. I'm just trying to get a sense if this could stll be an anal gland thing even if everything looks normal back there or if it points to anything else.
* Duration: 5ish days?
* Your general location: East Coast, USA
* Links to any test results, X-rays, vet reports etc. that you have: None yet