Need shoe recommendations. Tending to Wear foam to an Angle.

The last time I bought some running shoes. I bought some Brooks. I was about 150 pounds bigger than I am right now. And when I wore the sneakers, I tended to wear the left shoe down almost like I was walking on an angle. Literally crushing and compressing it on an angle. In a matter of months.

I recently went to Fleet feet to get my feet measured and looked at. They recommended some Mizuno wave sky 8. Just wearing them in my house. it seems like I’m still walking with my left foot favoring the outside of the shoe. I concerned I’ll wear others out the same way despite losing weight. I love how comfortable are. Does anybody have a recommendation for a shoe that is comfortable, that will relieve some mild heel pain and not wear as fast? Or am I just overthinking it?

Before trying these sneakers, I was wearing Nike downshifter 12s. They are somewhat comfortable yet wearing out. But not the same problem where I wear down the foam to one side. This is only happened with the Brooks.