PLers, why do you demand/expect this of her?
I notice that a lot of PLers get really upset at the idea that a woman/girl would be incapable of loving the product of a sexual assault. And before you ask, I wouldn't expect/demand a man/boy to automatically love/care for the product of sexual assault either.
(Also, I'm really weirded out that every time a crime against women is mentioned, I see people ask if I would give a shit if it was done against a guy. Yeah, I would but I still resent the HORRIBLE implication I'm smelling that the people asking only give a shit if said crime can also be perpetrated against a dude.)
Can it happen that someone can love said result? Sure, it can/does happen that but it's not going to be 100% of the time. And I cringe every time some Pler tries to spin it as a "blessing." NO, a crime is NOT a blessing. The following sure as hell is NOT a blessing.
"An incapacitated woman who gave birth after being a patient at an Arizona health care facility for more than two decades had been raped repeatedly and may have been impregnated before, her lawyers say.
In documents filed Wednesday, the 29-year-old woman's attorneys cite a medical exam in alleging that she suffered multiple sexual assaults. The exam found that the birth of a baby boy last December was "a non-nulliparous event," the documents say, meaning she may have been pregnant before."