Why do people in this sub always throw around Spanish racial terms?

I’m Mexican so idk about other Latin countries, but racial categories like criollo, mestizo, mulato are something you really only see in history books about Spanish colonization. Ofc we are aware of mestizaje, but tbh most of the time, the only people talking about being mestizos is “La Raza” race conscious Chicanos who haven’t actually experienced living in Mexico or elsewhere in LATAM. Every time I see results from Latinos but especially Mexicans, there’s always comments like “typical mestizo mix” or “only 10% more Euro and you would be a criollo” and it really rubs me the wrong way, especially because it usually seems to be non-Latinos throwing around those words.

It’s not that the terms are inherently offensive, just that I feel like the overuse by outsiders misrepresents how race and ethnicity actually work in LATAM. It feels like especially Anglos from the US are trying to apply that “one drop rule” mentality to everyone. In Mexico, people might be called prieto, moreno, güero, indio etc. Basically it tends to be all about phenotype. Nobody would start calling themselves a criollo upon finding out they’re 3/4th European or whatever, because they’re antiquated and outdated terms that usually are obsolete to how we perceive race in post-colonial LATAM.